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  • Writer's pictureSeductive Trouble

Titles Are Stupid and Possibly My Entire Downfail? Still Under Debate.

Titles are so frustrating. I can understand the pure joy of reading through a blog post or article that stays focused on the main topic the ENTIRE time. Like a blog post on " Making a Sandwich" that one would assume is just about making sandwiches but I fear my blog post will never hold to this same standard. I would take a instructional video about how to whip up some killer sandwiches and derail it into a monologue about how all my children idolize my amazing mother like shes a god, and I absolutely can not complete. By the end you will still be hungry, trying to find your way through making a sandwhich on your own and maybe feeling some kinda way about my crying about how my moms super cool..... and my children respect her..... and you might wanna call me a few choice names. I am not thinking anything super crazy but you might call me things like a "crybaby," " Ungrateful," or "Selfish."

I didn't even really give enough back story to my children's love for their Goma to start throwing my self under the bus with the before mentioned name calling. Perhaps further review of my blog will give more insight to the whole thing. What I do know is that I have completely derailed this blog from a rant on how hard titles are when sitting down to write one of these little gems of my inner soul, and turned it into..... whatever this is? I am sure my slightly vodka induced and highly medicated on that whacky tabacky - first blog post into the world will be a good idea. I can't wait to feel the fun embarrassment once I circle back to this bad boy later.

So summarize this blog post:

  • I have some focus issues.

  • I am a little crazy. Like just a tiny pinch.

  • My mom's a bad ass.

  • I have issues with creating titles for the blog posts which I think have kept my from releasing my rants and enlightenment into the world. (Not really covered in the blog post)

  • I have tons of room to grow, cause I am clearly new here. First day on the job kinda thing.

Till We Meet Again.

Post One.

Seductive Trouble.

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